Terror Australis
Terror Australis is a grindhouse cabaret edgier than a serial killer's machete. Performed by psycho-siren Leah Shelton (Polytoxic, La Clique, Vegas Nocturne), this f**ked-up outback Contiki tour is a frothing hot mess of black comedy, anti-burlesque and Hills-Hoist-pole-dance.
Trapped inside a sweltering pulp film mash-up, Shelton trawls through the roadkill of the Australian national identity to reveal a litany of brutality and paranoia, drenched in sweat and beer.
Come Down Under to a sunburnt country where cars rule, hitchhiking kills and dingoes eat babies.

“… doesn’t just push boundaries, it annihilates them”
(The Creative Issue)
“a ripping political commentary about the brutality of masculine Australian popular culture”